It's been sixty years, since David Ben-Gurion declared Israel's independence, since the "nakba" traumatized a whole generation of Palestinians. It is necessary to remember both.
But the picture is only complete if the years from the first aliya onwards are also taken into account. And if Israel and Palestine are not taken as two entities separate from the rest of the world: There were the Osmans, there were the British and the French, there was the Holocaust, there was the rejection of Jewish refugees, there was the rejection of Palestinian refugees. Without all this, independence day and nakba cannot be understood. Without all this, the happiness and horror of life between the Mediterranean and the Jordan river cannot be captured to the full. On the day Israeli and Palestinian historiography accepts and reflects that, peace will be a realistic option.
No, sorry. Peace ALWAYS IS a realistic option. But it will be perceived as such only from the moment on when we realize that yes, there have been wars, there has been flight and persecution, there has been death, but there also are mutual roots, symbols, beliefs and hopes. There is a future for both peoples, together.